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The RISEE Act: What is it? Get Loud, Take Action!


Tell Congress to RISEE to the Occasion 🌊

Protect coastal communities threatened by climate change.

The RISEE Act was just reintroduced in the 118th Congress 🎉 You can help by building support among your Senators and House Representative and encouraging them to cosponsor the bill.


Tell your Members of Congress to cosponsor the RISEE Act now.

This bill would protect American coastlines and coastal communities, including along the Great Lakes, from sea level rise and coastal erosion. It has received bipartisan support in both the United States Senate and the House.

Email your members of Congress to let them know you want them to cosponsor the bipartisan RISEE Act today.

What is the RISEE Act?

The RISEE Act directs a portion of revenue generated by offshore wind projects toward vulnerable coastal communities, who must use it for coastal restoration, conservation, or infrastructure. It also increases the percentage of revenue from oil and gas leases that is shared with states.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will my representative listen to me?

Yes! The idea that elected representatives don’t listen to their constituents is not true. In reality, congressional staffers take every call and voicemail and read every email their office receives and pass these onto their member of Congress in regular briefings. Congress works for you, and they want to know what their constituents care about. You may receive a generic email in response, but your message was still received loud and clear.


Who introduced the RISEE Act?

The Reinvesting in Shoreline Economies and Ecosystems (RISEE) Act was introduced in the 118th Congress by Senators Whitehouse (D-RI) and Cassidy (R-LA) and Representatives Fletcher (D-TX-07) and Weber (R-TX-14), making it an important bipartisan climate initiative.


Why do we need the RISEE Act?

Sea level rise, storm surge, increase in ocean temperatures and acidification are harming coastal communities and will continue to do so unless emissions are dramatically reduced. Around 25 million Americans live in an area vulnerable to coastal flooding. They deserve protection.

Our coastal communities are also critical to the U.S. economy. Activities like marine transport of goods, offshore energy drilling, resource extraction, fish cultivation, recreation and tourism generate 58% of the U.S. GDP.


Will the funds from the RISEE Act be protected from sequestration?

Yes! Sequestration refers to automatic spending cuts that can occur through the withdrawal of funding for certain government programs. The RISEE Act ensures that NOCSF funding and GOMESA funding are protected from sequestration.


How else can I help?

You only need to send your Senators and House Representative one email each using our tool.  Then, share this page with any friends, family and coworkers who want to help pass the RISEE Act before the end of 2023! You can learn more about it here.

Who is Citizens’ Climate Lobby?

Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan grassroots advocacy climate change organization that exists to create the political will for climate change solutions by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power.


Our consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations.


CCL empowers everyday people to work with their community and their members of Congress. Our supporters cover the political spectrum and work in more than 450 local chapters. Together, we’re building support for a national bipartisan solution to climate change.