Sesión Informativa de CCL en vivo de mayo 2024

Sesión Informativa de CCL en vivo de mayo 2024

Aprenda más sobre Ciudadanos por un Clima Vivible y cómo usted puede marcar una diferencia creando la voluntad política para soluciones.

Por Citizens' Climate Education/Citizens' Climate Lobby

Fecha y hora

mar, 28 may 2024 16:00 - 17:30 PDT



Acerca de este evento

  • 1 hora 30 minutos

Aprenda más sobre Ciudadanos por un Clima Vivible y cómo usted puede marcar una diferencia creando la voluntad política para soluciones que reducirán la contaminación que está dañando nuestro clima y salud. Esta descripción será actualizada. Si tiene preguntas, puede escribirnos a

Sobre Ciudadanos por un Clima Vivible

Ciudadanos por un Clima Vivible es una organización no partidista, sin fines de lucro, que capacita y potencializa a personas de todos los ámbitos de la vida para ser defensores eficaces del clima. Nuestros seguidores cubren el espectro político y trabajan en más de 450 capítulos locales. Juntos, estamos generando apoyo para una solución bipartidista nacional al cambio climático. Visite para conocer más sobre nosotros.

Al inscribirse en este evento, usted da permiso a Ciudadanos por un Clima Vivible / Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) y Educación Ciudadana por el Clima / Citizens' Climate Education (CCE) para enviarle correos electrónicos incluyendo información sobre CCL/CCE y cómo usted puede ser un voluntario y apoyar nuestro trabajo. Puede anular su subscripción en cualquier momento al enviar un correo a

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Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a non-profit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change.

Our consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations. By building upon shared values rather than partisan divides, and empowering our supporters to work in keeping with the concerns of their local communities, we work towards the adoption of fair, effective, and sustainable climate change solutions.

In order to generate the political will necessary for passage of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act we train and support volunteers to build relationships with elected officials, the media and their local community.

Citizens' Climate Education (CCE), since its founding in 2007, has exponentially grown its global coalition to a remarkable 190,000+ registered supporters. Volunteers are organized into over 500 active chapters. Each chapter is run by a Group Leader and supported by State Coordinators and Regional Coordinators. Chapters work closely with their corresponding Congressional Liaison, who is a designated CCE volunteer leader that maintains the ongoing relationship between a specific member of Congress and local CCE chapters within that member’s district or state. At each level of our organizational model, CCE staff provides robust coordination, systems, training, and support to ensure volunteers are successful in their advocacy work. Learn more at

Citizens’ Climate Education (CCE) and Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) are sister organizations that complement each other in strategically building political will for impactful climate solutions. CCE is a registered 501(c)(3) organization that provides key trainings, tools, and other educational resources to help volunteers become effective advocates for climate solutions. CCL is a registered 501(c)(4) organization that supports volunteer-led and other direct lobbying efforts on specific climate legislation. Each organization has its own governing board, operating budget, and audited financials. As CCL has a more public-facing presence, most public accomplishments are attributed to it. Nevertheless, most program activities are related to climate education rather than direct lobbying efforts, and come from the CCE budget.

